
List of Publications

2021 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Exact Controllability and Stabilization for a general internal wave system of Benjamin-Ono type. Accepted Evolution Equations.

2020 J. R. Quintero, G. Arenas-Díaz. On the Existence of Solitary Waves for an Internal System of the Benjamin–Ono Type. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.

2020 J. R. Quintero, J. Cordero. Instability of the Standing Waves for a BenneyRoskes/Zakharov-Rubenchik System and Blow-up for the Zakharov Equations. Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems Vol 25(4).

2020 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. On the exact controllability and the stabilization for the Benney-Luke equation. Mathematical Control and Related Fields Vol 10 (2) doi: 10.3934/mcrf.2019039.

2019 J. R. Quintero, G. Arenas. On positive travelling wave solutions for a general class of KdV-Burger type equation. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications Vol 12, No 7.

2018 J. R. Quintero, O. Escobar. Well-posedness for the initial-boundary-value problem for the Benney-Luke equation in a quarter plane. Dyn. Partial Differ. Equ. Vol 15, No. 1.

2018 J. R. Quintero, J. Munõz. On the existence and computation of periodic travelling waves for a 2D water wave model. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. Vol 17, No. 2.

2017 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. On the Existence and Non Existence of Solitons for a Generalized KP Equation of Higher Order. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Vol. 11, No. 11.

2017 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. A Center Manifold Application: Existence of Periodic Travelling Waves for the 2D abcd-Boussinesq System. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Vol. 11, No. 12.

2017 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Periodic travelling waves and its inter-relation with solitons for the 2D abc-Boussinesq system. Commun. Math. Anal. Vol 20, No. 1.

2016 J. R. Quintero, J. Munõz. Solitary waves for an internal wave model. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Vol 36, No. 10.

2016 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Periodic solutions for a class of one-dimensional Boussinesq systems. Dyn. Partial Differ. Equ. Vol 13, No. 3.

2016 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. On the Cauchy problem and solitons for a class of 1D Boussinesq systems. Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. Vol 24, No. 3.

2016 J. R. Quintero, O. Montoya. Well posedness and solitons stability for a 1D BenneyLuke model of higher order. Global Journal of pure and applied mathematics, Vol 12, No. 5.

2016 J. R. Quintero, J. C. Muñoz. Analytic and numerical nonlinear stability/instability of solitons for a Kawahara-like model. Anal. Appl. (Singap.) Vol 14 No. 4.

2016 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. On the nonlinear scattering and well-posedness for a 2D-Boussinesq-Benney-Luke type system. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol 260. No 7.

2015 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Orbital stability of solitary waves for a 2D-Boussinesq system. Electron. J. Differential Equations No. 176.

2015 J. R. Quintero, O. Montoya. Existence and non existence of solitons for a BenneyLuke model of higher order. Advances in Differential Equations. Vol 20. No 11-12.

2015 J. R. Quintero. A water wave mixed type problem: existence of periodic travelling waves for a 2D Boussinesq system. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias. Volume 39. No 150.

2014 J. R. Quintero. Stability of 2D solitons for a sixth order Boussinesq type model. Communications in Mathematical Science. Vol 13 No 6.

2014 J. R. Quintero, G. Arenas. J. C. On the local ill-posedness of the generalized p-Garden equation. Journal of Differential and Integral Equations. Vol 27. No 11/12.

2014 J. R. Quintero. From Periodic Travelling Waves to Solitons of a 2D Water Wave System. Journal Methods and Applications of Analysis. Vol 21. No 2.

2013 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Existence, physical sense and analyticity of solitons for a 2D Boussinesq-Benney-Luke system. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations.

2013 J. R. Quintero, A. Montes. Strichartz estimates for some 2D water waves models. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.

2013 J. R. Quintero, J. C. Muñoz. Instability of periodic travelling waves with mean zero for a 1D Boussinesq system. Communications in Mathematical Science.

2013 J. R. Quintero, R. Pego, T. Mizumachi. Asymptotic stability of solitary waves in the Benney-Luke model of water waves. Journal of Differential and Integral Equations.

2012 J. R. Quintero, J. C. Muñoz. Instability of periodic travelling waves with mean zero for a 1D Boussinesq system. Communications in Mathematical Science.

2011 J. R. Quintero. The Cauchy Problem and Stability of Solitary Waves for a 2D Boussinesq-KdV Type System. Differential and Integral Equations. Vol 24. No 3-4.

2011 J. R. Quintero. Solitary Water Waves for a 2D Boussinesq Type System. Journal of Partial Differential Equations. Vol 24. No 3-4. 2011.

2011 J. R. Quintero. A Note on the Stability and Inestability of Travelling Waves of KdV Type. Revista Facultad de Ciencias Univalle.

2010 J. R. Quintero and A. M. Montes. A Unique Continuation Result for a Generalized KdV Type Equation. Revista de la Académia Colombiana de Ciencias. Vol 24.

2008 J. R. Quintero. A Remark on the Cauchy Problem for the Generalized Benney-Luke Equation. Journal of Differential and Integral Equations. Vol 21. (9-10).

2008 J. R. Quintero and J. C. Muñoz. Instability of solitary waves for a generalized Benney-Luke equation. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis. Vol 68, No 10.

2007 J. R. Quintero . Solitons and Periodic Travelling Waves for the 2D- Generalized Benney-Luke Equation. Journal of Applicable Analysis. Vol 86. No 3.

2007 J. R. Quintero and J. Angulo. Existence and Orbital Stability of Cnoidal Waves for a 1D Boussinesq equation. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science. ID 52020.

2007 J. R. Quintero . Solitons and Periodic Travelling Waves for the 2D- Generalized Benney-Luke Equation. Journal of Applicable Analysis.

2005 J. R. Quintero. Nonlinear Stability of Solitary Waves of Solitary Waves for a 2-D Benney-Luke Equation. Journal of Discrete and continuous differential Equations. 13 No 1.

2004 J. R. Quintero, J. C. Muñoz. Existence and uniqueness for a Boussinesq system with a disordered forcing. Journal of Methods and Applications of Analysis. Vol 11. No 1.

2004 J. R. Quintero, G. Arenas. The Eigenvalue Problem for Solitary Waves of a Boussinesq Equation, Via a Generalization of the Rouché Theorem. Journal Applicable Analysis. Vol 83. No 12.

2003 J. R. Quintero. Nonlinear Stability of a one-dimensional Boussinesq equation. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. Vol 15.

2002 J. R. Quintero. Existence and analyticity of lumps solutions for a generalized Benney-Luke Equation. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas. Vol 36.

2002 J. R. Quintero. A host of traveling waves in a model of three-dimensional water-wave dynamics. Journal of Nonlinear Science. Vol 12 No 1.

2002 J. R. Quintero. Un Modelo de VIH-Sida con Reinfección. Revista Matemática Enseñanza Matemática Universitaria. Vol 10. 2002.

1999 J. R. Quintero and R. L. Pego. Two-Dimensional Solitary Waves for a Benney-Luke Equation. Physica D. 132.

Papers under review

2021 J. R. Quintero. On the exact controllability for the Benney-Luke equation in a bounded domain.

2020 J. R. Quintero. Stability and instability of standing waves for a generalized ZakharovRubenchik system.

2020 J. R. Quintero. Stability analysis for the standing waves of a 1D-ZakharovRubenchik/Benney-Roskes system.

2020 J. R. Quintero. On the stability of standing waves for a generalized ZakharovRubenchik system.

2020 J. R. Quintero. Existence of positive solutions for a nonlinear elliptic class of equations in R2 and R3.

2020 J. R. Quintero, A Montes, R. Cordoba. On the orbital stability of the abab Boussinesq system.